
Hey friends

Been on a bit of a hiatus, as I’ve been navigating yet another post-pandemic restart.  As some of my Columbia City friends know, I spent about 3 months clerking at their groovy, super busy PCC.  Due to health reasons, I’ve had to step away from that role. Great people, enjoyed working with them very much, but too many bike wrecks and other factors made this not a good fit.  Bummer.  Miss y’all.

As such, I’m back in the job market and am started freelancing again, updates forthcoming.  So if you have the need, and you have something worthwhile that could benefit from my experience — in music and event promotion, film production and distribution, social media and terrestrial marketing and messaging, or what not — drop me a line.  I’d love to hear from you.  

P.S. if you are an Angel Investor and have $250K, we would like to talk to you about buying and building the next iteration of Luna Park.

Thank you for visiting! 



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